Pinellas vs Hillsborough All-Star games on Friday at HCC
March 9, 2016
WHEN/WHERE: 6:30 pm Friday at HCC, Girls tip off first.
Pinellas/Hillsborough Boys Rosters:
Pinellas County:
- Jermaine Ledbetter, Boca Ciega
- Romain Minott, Clearwater
- Chedonio Martin, Dunedin
- Marquez Walls, Gibbs
- Da’Juan Johnson, Gibbs
- Isaiah Thomas, Largo
- Amarildo Lame, Northeast
- Jordan Kabamba, Northeast
- Travis Bianco, St. Pete
- Glenn Miller, St. Pete
Coach: Dave Redding, Northeast
Hillsborough County:
- Terance Brown, Alonso
- Naija Chandler, Chamberlain
- Brendan Miller, Newsome
- Nasire Core, Freedom
- Sheldon Odunna, Freedom
- Jawuan Stuckey, Alonso
- Davis Jones, Leto
- Evan Trice, Wharton
- Iyan Mitchell, Robinson
- Thomas Dziagwa, Tampa Catholic
- Tyson Ward, Tampa Prep
- Cameron Padgett, Jefferson
Coach: Eric Hayes, Jefferson
Pinellas/Hillsborough Girls Rosters:
- McKenzie Milligan, Northeast
- Jenny Bollinger, Calvary Christian
- Diep Tran, Dixie Hollins
- Paige Lawson, Seminole
- Autumn Frost, Indian Rocks Chr.
- Kyra Champagne, Indian Rocks Chr.
- Sakhia Jones, Lakewood
- Khaihiqa Davidson, Lakewood
- Carley Plentovich, Calvary Christian
- Madison Schmidt, Northeast
- Kaitlin Lindblom, Osceola
- Savannah Plentovich, Calvary Chr.
- Jasmyn McCalla, Shorecrest Prep
- Brooke Sibert, Calvary Christian
- Kelley Jones, Dixie Hollins
- William White, Northeast
- Alexsia Brown, Armwood
- Shantell Wells, Wharton
- Don’Niya Brooks, Brooks-DeBartolo
- Lauren Wall, Wharton
- Alexis Allen, Brooks-DeBartolo
- Trinity Baptiste, Hillsborough
- Deja Turner, Plant
- Crisheena Rolack, Robinson
- Cyann Fox, Brooks-DeBartolo
- Sydnie Miller, Strawberry Crest
- Courtney Hall, Brooks DeBartolo
- LaTosha Lewis, Strawberry Crest
- Stephanie Sweeney, Robinson
Tags:Alonso Davis Jones, Alonso Naija Chandler, Armwood Shantell Wells, Boca Ciega Romain Minott, Brooks DeBartolo Coaches: LaTosha Lewis, Brooks-DeBartolo Lauren Wall, Brooks-DeBartolo Sydnie Miller, Brooks-DeBartolo Trinity Baptiste, Calvary Chr. Jasmyn McCalla, Calvary Christian Diep Tran, Calvary Christian Kelley Jones, Calvary Christian Madison Schmidt, Chamberlain Brendan Miller, Clearwater Chedonio Martin, Dixie Hollins Paige Lawson, Dixie Hollins William White, Dunedin Marquez Walls, Freedom Jawuan Stuckey, Freedom Sheldon Odunna, Gibbs Da’Juan Johnson, Gibbs Isaiah Thomas, Hillsborough Deja Turner, Indian Rocks Chr. Kyra Champagne, Indian Rocks Chr. Sakhia Jones, Jefferson Coach: Eric Hayes, Jefferson Pinellas/Hillsborough Girls Rosters: Pinellas McKenzie Milligan, Lakewood Carley Plentovich, Lakewood Khaihiqa Davidson, Largo Amarildo Lame, Leto Evan Trice, Newsome Nasire Core, Northeast Hillsborough Alexsia Brown, Northeast Hillsborough County: Terance Brown, Northeast Jenny Bollinger, Northeast Jordan Kabamba, Northeast Kaitlin Lindblom, Northeast Travis Bianco, Osceola Savannah Plentovich, Pinellas County: Jermaine Ledbetter, Plant Crisheena Rolack, robinson, Robinson Cyann Fox, Robinson Thomas Dziagwa, Seminole Autumn Frost, Shorecrest Prep Coaches: Brooke Sibert, St. Pete Coach: Dave Redding, St. Pete Glenn Miller, Strawberry Crest Courtney Hall, Strawberry Crest Stephanie Sweeney, Tampa Catholic Tyson Ward, Tampa Prep Cameron Padgett, Wharton Alexis Allen, Wharton Don’Niya Brooks, Wharton Iyan Mitchell
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About The Author
Bay Area Hoops LLC
Reginald D. Burke Sr. is a committee member for the NBPA Top 100 Camp and provides coverage for National Basketball since 2010.