Gia Cooke, Team Takeover
November 10, 2021
Here’s a Q and A with Gia Cooke, who we caught up with at John Lucas Top 160 Elite Invitational camp.

Q: Thoughts on the Lucas Camp?
A: I thought the Lucas camp was great. I enjoy competing against the best and Lucas camp always brings the best!
Q: What drives you?
A: My love for the game and Competing at the highest level every time.
Q: What you look for in schools?
A: Good program with a family environment where I can grow on & off the court & just be myself.
Q: How the DMV area has helped groom you?
A: DMV has groomed me by being around such a rich basketball culture and so much talent in the area. I also play in two great programs Team Takeover and Bishop McNamara all year and they keep me ready to play at the highest level